Mobile Properties

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Difficulty: Beginner

Platform: Flash

With FDT5, a new mobile workflow has been introduced. To get started, you'll need to know how to effectively use the Mobile Properties panel.

Accessing The Properties

Open properties.png

To access the mobile properties for you project, simple right click on the project and select 'Properties'.


Properties 01.png Once inside the project properties, navigate to FDT Mobile Properties>Android. Here you'll first see the Building tab.

The Building tab is where you set the .SWF and descriptor file you wish to work with.

  1. The Enable checkbox will show the platform options.
  2. The Application descriptor associated with this platform will appear here.
  3. Changing the name of the .SWF.
  4. If you wish to change descriptor files, use the Browse button.
  5. Create a new descriptor file. This will use the descriptor file from the currently selected SDK.


Properties 02.png The properties tab will differ slightly depending on the platform you wish to use. In general, this is a GUI to edit the descriptor.xml file that is set in the Building tab.

Learn more about using descriptor files here

  1. These input fields help manage your application information on the deployed on device.
  2. This area will dynamically change depending on the selected platform. In this example, you edit Android OS permissions here.

Digital Signature

Properties 03.png Similar to the Properties tab, this tab will be slightly different for Android and iOS. If set, FDT will use this certificate for testing (building via launcher) and for deployment. If it is left blank, FDT will generate a dummy one itself; however, it MUST be set when about to deploy to a Market place.

  1. The selected certificate and password are shown here.
  2. If you have an existing certificate you'd like to use, select it here.
  3. Create your certificate here.


Properties 04.png Set your application icons here. When your icons have been set, make sure that the icons are included within your Package Contents.

  1. Resolution for icons that are required for the selected platform.
  2. Choose a valid .png file.
  3. Remove the path to an icon.

Package Contents

Properties 05.png When you want to include additional files (e.g icons) you will need to set them here. Not adding the optional files will cause the packaging to fail.

  1. The description.xml & .SWF are needed and cannot be removed.
  2. Here the paths for the icon files set in the Icons tab are set .
  3. Optionally you can choose to include an entire directory (e.g. your entire icon directory).
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