Project Template Syntax

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Template properties.png

With FDT 4.2, the FDT team greatly expanded project templates and the syntax available in the description.xml.


Template Properties


Use this tag to add a text description to your template. This will appear in the text area below the template selector. You can even add in variables into your description and update the user about the current selection.

  <expression name="htmlDesc" value="if(${htmlTemplate},
'This HTML wrapper will create a simple HTML page with your SWF embedded in it.',' ')" />
	This template will create a project named '${projectName}' 
	which contains only the basic libraries to develop and compile a 
	pure AS3 project.${newline}${htmlDesc}

  • note: Use the ${newline} keyword to create a line break in your descriptions. In the above example, if the users sets true htmlDesc then the additional text will be added, on a new line, to the description.


The name of your template as it appears in the new project wizard.



FDT uses this element to keep track of the version for the template in case it is to be updated.



Each template needs to have its projectType defined. The project type is what determines which SDK &.SWCs are automatically added to your source path, your runtime, player and compiler arguments.

The project types are located in the projectTypes folder within the FDT folder.

Project types.png



The variables tag is what defines templates in FDT 4.2 and later. When a template implements this element, you'll be able to create UI elements that allow you to customize your project before completion. Your template can only have one variables element. FDT will read the first and ignore any following variables elements.

  <primaryGroup label="Template Options"></primaryGroup>


When you create a variables element, you'll need to have a primaryGroup descendant element. Similar to variables, primaryGroup can only appear once inside of a variables element.

  <primaryGroup label="Template Options">
    <variable name="addMetaData" label="Add Metadata" default="true"
      type="boolean" />
	<group label="Project Setup">
	  <variable name="addFla" label="Add .fla" default="true"
		type="boolean" />
	  <variable name="htmlTemplate" label="Include HTML Wrapper"
		default="false" type="boolean" />


  1. label : The label description that will appear at the top of the template variables UI section within the New Flash Project Wizard.
  2. description : An optional description for documentation purposes.
  • note: Other arguments, such as 'enableIf', are ignored.


Groups are used to organize similar variables together. They are also used to create popup buttons that will open a new window containing more UI elements. Groups can have more groups nested within them.

  <primaryGroup label="Options" description="My Template Variables" >
    <group label="Unit Testing">
	  <variable name="addUnitTesting" label="Add Unit Testing"
	    default="false" type="boolean" />
<!-- Create a popupButton that will open these UI variables in a new window -->
		<group label="More..." style="popupButton">
	  	  <variable name="testFolderName" label="Test Folder Name"
			default="test-src" type="string" />
	      <variable name="addExample" label="Add Unit Test Example"
			default="false" type="boolean" />
	      <variable name="addJar" label="Include flexUnitTasks.jar"
					default="false" type="boolean" />


  1. label : The label description that will appear at the top group.
  2. description : An optional description for documentation purposes.
  3. enableIf : A boolean that can disable and enable the UI variables within the group.
  4. style : Use this to set if the group is to be a popup window. Possible values are popupButton and hyperlink.


The most powerful part of project templates are the UI variables you can create. Each variable element you create will represent itself as an interactive UI component (e.g. text input, combo box, radio button). The value of the variable will be evaluated as you change it while configuring your template.

If you reference the variable in any files (ActionScript,XML,JavaScript,HTML....) and you choose to process those files (within a contentCreation element) the variable will be replaced with whatever value you have assigned it.

To reference a variable use a dollar sign and brackets, '${}', with your variable name between the brackets.

  <primaryGroup label="Options">
<!-- This variable is being used to determine to add Metadata or not-->
    <variable name="addMetaData" label="Add Metadata" default="true"
	  type="boolean" />
<!-- This variable is being used to setup the base class of my ActionScript file. 
     In my ActionScript files'${classExtends}' will be replaced with whatever
 	 value it is assigned here -->	
	<variable name="classExtends" label="Base Class:" default="Sprite"
	  type="enum('Sprite','MovieClip')" />


  1. name : To reuse your variable, you'll need to be able to reference it either within the template itself, or in an external file that will be processed ( variables replaced ).
  2. label : What will be displayed to the users within the template GUI.
  3. default : The starting value for the variable.
  4. type : Use this to set the UI component (e.g. text input, combo box, radio button).
  5. description : An optional description for documentation purposes.
  6. enableIf : A boolean that can disable and enable the variable.

When using the type attribute here are some examples of UI components you can create:

  • enum('value 1','value 2','value 3',...): This will create a combo box or radio button set of predefined values. The default for enum will be a combo box. To create radio buttons, add a style=radio attribute.
  • color: This will create a button that will display a color hex value and allow you to open the color picker.
  • int('minimum value','maximum value','increment value'): This will create a text input for number values based on the define range.
  • float: Creates a text input for float values.
  • string: A text input.
  • string('value 1','value 2',...): A text input with a combo box that allows for preset (but editable) values.
  • boolean: This will create a checkbox that will toggle the variable from true to false.
  • file: This will create a text input and browse button that will point to a specific file. There is also the option to create file filters, e.g. type="file('png','gif')"
  • folder: This will create a text input and browse button for a specific folder. There is also the option to create file filters, e.g. type="file('png','gif')"


Within group elements, you can add a hyperlink which will open your browser and navigate to a particular URL.

  <primaryGroup label="Template Options">
      <variable name="addUnitTesting" label="Add Unit Testing"
		default="false" type="boolean" />
	  <hyperlink label="More About Unit Testing" target="" 
	        style="hyperlink" />		


  1. label : The text that will appear for the button / hyperlink.
  2. description : An optional description for documentation purposes.
  3. enableIf : A boolean that can disable and enable the link.
  4. style : Use this to set the UI as a button or an HTML style link. Possible values are popupButton and hyperlink.



Expressions allow you to create more variables (not associated with any UI), if/else statements, hashmaps(maps) and concatenation expressions.

There are different ways of using expressions.

Simple Assignments

  <expression name="sourceFolder" value="src" />

Arithmetic Operations

  <expression name="number" value="8*2"/>

Boolean Operations

  <!--using operator symbols such as '||' and '&amp;&amp;' -->
  <expression name="allUnitTestingSamples" 
    value="${addExample} &amp;&amp; ${addUnitTesting} &amp;&amp; ${addCIExample}"/>
  <expression name="anyExampleChosen" value="${addExample} || ${addCIExample}"/>
  <!--using operator expressions such as 'or()' and 'and()' -->
  <expression name="allUnitTestingSamples2" 
    value="and(${addExample}, ${addUnitTesting},  ${addCIExample}"/>
  <expression name="anyExampleChosen2" value="or(${addExample} ,${addCIExample})"/>

  • note: Because of how Ant works, you need to use the '&amp;&amp;' syntax when you want to use '&&'.
  • note: Expressions 'and(value 1, value 2,...)' and 'or(value 1, value 2,...)' can accept any number of arguments.

String Operations

  <expression name="var" value=" wonderful "/>
  <expression name="myExp" value="concat('hello ',${var},' world')" />
  <expression name="myExp2" >hello wonderful world</expression>
<!--both output 'hello wonderful world' -->

  • note: 'concat(value 1, value 2, value 3,...)' can accept any number of arguments.


The expressions element is used as a placeholder for your expressions. It can only appear once in your description.xml.


Inside of your expressions tag you can place individual expressions and maps. An expression can be either a simple variable creation or an evaluation. Examples include:

  • if('boolean','use this value if true','use this value if false')
  • concat(value 1, value 2, value 3,...)
  • and(value 1, value 2, ...)
  • or(value 1, value 2, ...)
  • true
  • false
  <!-- simple variable declaration-->
  <expression name="sourceFolder" value="src" />
  <!-- using the concat() expression-->
  <expression name="metaDataExp" value="concat('[SWF(backgroundColor=&quot;',0xFFFFFF,
'&quot;,frameRate=&quot;',bannerFPS(${metaTheme}),'&quot;, width=&quot;',
'&quot;)]')" />
   <!-- using an if() expression-->
   <expression name="htmlDesc"
   'This HTML wrapper will create a simple HTML page with 
	your SWF embedded in it.',' ')" />


A map (hashmap, hash table, dictionary) is a way to create a collection of key value pairs. This is helpful when creating themes or predefined sets. Whenever a particular theme or set is selected, various variables and values can be changed throughout your template.

<!-- Create a variable (a collection of 'themes') that users can select and change-->
<variable name="metaTheme" label="Application Type"
default="Leaderboard" type="enum('Leaderboard','Full Banner','Half Banner','Full Site')"/>
  <!-- Create some maps associated with the value of 'metaTheme' -->
  <map name="bannerWidth" >	
	<entry key="Leaderboard" value="'728'"/>
	<entry key="Full Banner" value="'468'"/>
	<entry key="Half Banner" value="'234'"/>
	<entry key="Full Site" value="'800'"/>
  <map name="bannerHeight" >	
	<entry key="Leaderboard" value="'90'"/>
	<entry key="Full Banner" value="'60'"/>
	<entry key="Half Banner" value="'60'"/>
	<entry key="Full Site" value="'600'"/>
  <map name="bannerFPS"  >
	<entry key="Leaderboard" value="'22'"/>
	<entry key="Full Banner" value="'22'"/>
	<entry key="Half Banner" value="'22'"/>
	<entry key="Full Site" value="'60'"/>
<!-- Use the maps and pass to them, as a key, the theme you chose. 
 E.g if 'metaTheme' is equal to 'Leaderboard', 
then 'bannerFPS(${metaTheme})' is equal to 728-->	
  <expression name="metaDataExp" value="concat('[SWF(backgroundColor=&quot;',0xFFFFFF,
'&quot;,frameRate=&quot;',bannerFPS(${metaTheme}),'&quot;, width=&quot;',
'&quot;)]')" />


With 4.5, FDT extended the expressions syntax with two new expressions: 'replace' and 'replaceRegex'. Both of these allow you to replace the values of strings or variables.

<!-- Create a variable (a collection of 'themes') that users can select and change-->
<variable name="metaTheme" label="Application Type"
default="Leaderboard" type="enum('Leaderboard','Full Banner','Half Banner','Full Site')"/>
<!-- This will create a new expression (variable) named 'postFileName'. 
This expression will execute a regex computation on the variable ${projectName} 
and replace it.  In this case it's replacing it with blank: ''. -->	
	<expression name="postFileName"
		value="replaceRegex(${projectName}, '([^\w]+)', '')" />
<!-- This expression will scan the variable '${projectName}' and if it finds the value
 'Joe', it will replace it with 'Bob' -->
	<expression name="postFileName"
		value="replace(${projectName}, 'Joe', 'Bob')" />


  1. name : The reference (variable name) of the expression. Use this to reference the expression elsewhere in the template or your files.
  2. value : Three values: replaceRegex([the variable or string you'd like to evaluate],[what to look for],[what to replace if found])


The extensions tag is used internally by the team to add functionality to templates into the future. When this is developed, more information will added here.



This tag, and its descendants, is used to define properties of special folders in your project. This is where you define which folders are source folder(s), your output folder, and auto library folder(s). If the folder referenced here doesn't exist when the project is created, FDT will create it.

	<!-- set, or create, a source folder named 'src' -->
	<!-- set, or create, a source folder named 'src2' -->
	<!-- set, or create, an output folder named 'bin-debug' -->
	<!-- set, or create, various auto library folders -->


When your project is created, FDT will create a source folder for you.

	<!-- set, or create, a source folder named 'src' -->


  1. if : A boolean value that determines if the folder is created.


When your project is created, FDT will preset your output folder for you.

	<!-- set, or create, an output folder named 'bin-debug' -->


  1. if : A boolean value that determines if the folder is created.


When your project is created, FDT will create an auto library folder for you.

	<!-- set, or create, various auto library folders -->


  1. if : A boolean value that determines if the folder is created.



Use this tag to define a particular .SWC or .ANE to be added to your class path upon template generation. .SWC and .ANE locations are relative to your project root.

  • note: When using SWCs, this tag is best implemented when using linked resources; otherwise, we suggest placing your .SWCs inside of an Auto Library Folder.
  • note: The

    Invalid language.

    You need to specify a language like this: <source lang="html4strict">...</source>

    Supported languages for syntax highlighting:

    4cs, abap, actionscript, actionscript3, ada, apache, applescript, apt_sources, asm, asp, autoconf, autohotkey, autoit, avisynth, awk, bash, basic4gl, bf, bibtex, blitzbasic, bnf, boo, c, c_mac, caddcl, cadlisp, cfdg, cfm, chaiscript, cil, clojure, cmake, cobol, cpp, cpp-qt, csharp, css, cuesheet, d, dcs, delphi, diff, div, dos, dot, ecmascript, eiffel, email, erlang, fo, fortran, freebasic, fsharp, gambas, gdb, genero, genie, gettext, glsl, gml, gnuplot, groovy, gwbasic, haskell, hicest, hq9plus, html4strict, icon, idl, ini, inno, intercal, io, j, java, java5, javascript, jquery, kixtart, klonec, klonecpp, latex, lisp, locobasic, logtalk, lolcode, lotusformulas, lotusscript, lscript, lsl2, lua, m68k, magiksf, make, mapbasic, matlab, mirc, mmix, modula2, modula3, mpasm, mxml, mysql, newlisp, nsis, oberon2, objc, ocaml, ocaml-brief, oobas, oracle11, oracle8, oxygene, oz, pascal, pcre, per, perl, perl6, pf, php, php-brief, pic16, pike, pixelbender, plsql, postgresql, povray, powerbuilder, powershell, progress, prolog, properties, providex, purebasic, python, q, qbasic, rails, rebol, reg, robots, rpmspec, rsplus, ruby, sas, scala, scheme, scilab, sdlbasic, smalltalk, smarty, sql, systemverilog, tcl, teraterm, text, thinbasic, tsql, typoscript, unicon, vala, vb, vbnet, verilog, vhdl, vim, visualfoxpro, visualprolog, whitespace, whois, winbatch, xbasic, xml, xorg_conf, xpp, z80

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