This is yet another free update for all FDT 4 users since its release in September 2010.
With every update we not only improve the stability and quality, but also include some major improvements and new features.
We are very proud to announce the support for AIR mobile and devices in line with the new Flex SDK 4.5.1, which was officially released by Adobe just recently. We are very glad to continue adding the cross platform development capabilities and flexibility to adapt to new targets in the FDT workflow.
New Features
- Latest 4.5 & 3.6 Flex SDK Support
- Namespace Generation & Refactoring
- iOS & Android Mobile Templates
- AIR Launcher
- Templates Updated for new Flex SDK’s
- Memory Optimization SWC Pooling
- Mobile Presets for Launcher
- New & Updated Project Types
- New Expressions for Templates
- Profiler Setting For Active Domain Path
- Additional MXML & AS Code Format Options
- Update FDT to Java 1.6
- …
Check out the Release Notes for more information.
What are you waiting for? Download the latest FDT version from our website.
Please continue giving us feedback. Your input is extremely valuable to us!
On behalf of the FDT team, we wish you Happy Coding!
Yes Katrin,
You need to have a project name to have it work. Otherwise it won’t know which project to ‘loadProjectProperties’ for.
OK …
– fail
fdt.loadProjectProperties projectname=”my-name”
– works
This is quite old, but I had the same problem. This solved it:
1. Import a project which is not in the project path (don’t copy it to your workspace)
2. run an ant task and include
– that should fail, but
– works
We’ll have to look into that specifically via QA. Could you please create a ticket on it?!default.jspa
Hi Terry, did you ever find an answer to your “is no workspace path” issue? I’m experiencing the same error with a mobile project created outside of the default location. No issue when I use default location.
Thanks for the feedback and ideas. If anyone else out there is experiencing the same issues as you, your help is appreciated. You’re right that it’s a surprise if any issues slip by.
In general we’ve been working out of this github repository for the default templates that ship with FDT. Everyone is welcome to fork and make pull requests:
You’re right – you’ll need the launcher chain to use the default templates. You can still run the ant scripts by hand though. Place the Ant script in your Ant View and then double click on it to activate.
@Alan, if it’s possible to join as a beta tester for FDT Mobile … feel free to add me 🙂
@Slavomir … thank you for this nice solution!
@All … are there any differences between the FDT versions => Pure Plus and Max (i know that the Max version comes with a special Launcher Chain) relating to the export workflow … for now i’m using the Pure version and perhaps therefore i can’t make an automatically exported build (exporting the swf – export and package the ipa file)?
oops, the blog stripped out the ant_test_build part of my previous post , probably because of the greather than / smaller then characters that made it look like some html tags 🙂
here it is , (without the xml opening closing tags)
arg value=”-C” /
arg value=”${deploy.dir}/”
arg value=”${deploy.swf}”
arg value=”${assets.dir}/” /
Finaly I found the problem.. in package target , I needed to add a directory reference after the deploy dir and deploy swf..
So I defined it in :
deploy.dir = ../bin
publish.dir = ../publish
assets.dir = ../bin/assets
and then added to ant_test_build
So now all the assests that needs to be loaded dynamicaly to flash , or needs to be used by the ipa compiler e.g. icons can be in bin/assets directory and the ipa will compile just fine..
also added name of the project to : fdt.loadProjectProperties projectname=”IphoneARDemo”
It’s quite surprising that nobody has picked up on this guys and perhaps next time you’re doing testing , you might want to do a slightly more complicated and more real project , that would include icons , and other files..
And please , test it on PC as well as on MAC.. Your mobile template wizard still doesn’t put the correct (compilable) path to the certificate files, and not everybody might find the way to fix this manually..
On the other hand, once you get it working, IPA file get’s compiled in the matter of few seconds, compared to few minutes .. so well done there!
Hey guys, I’m glad progress is being made. As mentioned before FDT 4.5 is a small step for mobile development and by no means our ‘full mobile support’.
We’re working on this right now. If any of you are interested in being added to a private beta of FDT Mobile, let us know.
Also, when creating a iOS project I got the following in my :
certificate = C:\Users\currentuser\Desktop\iphone_dev.p12
certPassword = mypassword
provisioning.profile = C:\Users\currentuser\Desktop\projectname.mobileprovision
When building I kept getting the error the keychain could not be accessed. After reversing the dashes in everything seems to work fine:
certificate = C:/Users/currentuser/Desktop/iphone_dev.p12
certPassword = mypassword
provisioning.profile = C:/Users/currentuser/Desktop/projectname.mobileprovision
Still, thanks for the big improvements!
Just ran into this issue when building [TEST on Device] for mobile AS3 iOS:
C:\Projects\testproject\ant\ios_test_build.xml:5: C:\Projects\testproject\ant is no workspace path.
// Yes, this project is in a custom location
Something is lost in my previous post …
changed: fdt.loadProjectProperties
to fdt.loadProjectProperties projectname=”iOSTest1″
where projectname is the specified name of your current fdt project.
omg … i cant’t believe it …. but i’ve just created an ipa file 🙂
here are my modifications to the ios_test_build.xml file:
after that i could manually execute the Ant script by right clicking the file and select “Debug As => Ant Build”
I think this shouldn’t be the “normal” way to export an ipa file 😉 ?
Hi Alan, thanks for the response.
Yes, the “ADT does not support 64bit java for IPA targets” error it is related with the AIR SDK.
Changing the JVM to 32 bits in Java preferences didn’t work since the eclipse version I’m using is for 64 bits (Eclipse -helios 64).
Everything seems to work in eclipse-indigo 32 bits, at last I can generate the .ipa file.
Now most of the problems and headaches are basically related with the fact that I’m a PC user (from the iPad2 not charging properly to the iPad2 not sync with iTunes, etc) and also testing in the device (going through iTunes evrytime is horrible and slow, no xcode organizer for PC). I was wonderingif any of you knows a better way (maybe there is no other way) to test in the device rather than use iTunes everytime.
Hi Alan,
i’ve checked all launchers and i can confirm that all files are identical … what else can i do or check 🙂 ?
it seems that all the code in the comment has been removed.
You can find it here:
I have the templates on github. Check out these launchers and make sure they match yours.
That sounds more like an Air SDK issue. Try changing your JVM to 32 bit. It should be in your ‘Java Preferences’.
The scripts worked well internally when we tested them. Perhaps your OS environment has some global variables that are getting in the way.
Ant scripts execute relative to their location, but if the Ant script is executing another program (as we are here) then the args you pass it might need to be relative to the executing program. Something else to try is Ant’s ‘${basedir}’ environment variable. This will provide a path of where the file is located.
Thanks for the help!
FDT 4.5 is a way to get started with Mobile today. Very soon we will have a very robust implementation that will make things much easier.
A quick fix to make app icon work.
Add the paths of all icons in the ant script after line like this:
Don’t forget to add the tag in the *-app.xml
Yeah, there are definitely problems with your ant scripts.. I think it has to do with resolving the paths , can you please tell us what is the root of the path from the ant scripts perspective where can we put files that needs embeding into IPA ?
I had problems with icons but also certificate and provisioning files, when using your new mobile templates GUI in new mobile project type wizard.
I could solve the certificate and provisioning profile issue by manually editing file, but still can’t find the way to include icons..
(i’m getting Java returned: 12 error for
01. [package]:
[java] C:\_as3projects\IphoneARDemo\ant\..\bin\IphoneARDemo-app.xml: error 303: Icon assets/dynamoico_32.png is missing from package) (for all 4 icons obviously)
Can you please look at this issue, I’ve aleady issues 3 tickets about this, where I gave you all the details about errors , my config etc..
I get the following error when testing IOS: ADT does not support 64bit java for IPA targets, any ideas?
So i’ve tested again … i killed the FDT folder, i’ve reinstalled FDT and so on … the only difference i’ve found while testing …:
Console output => Starting Launcher iOSTest [TEST on DEVICE].
In your case there’s:
Console output => Starting Launcher Chain iOSTest [TEST on DEVICE].
So, i am missing “Chain” in my output … Any ideas 🙂 ?
Forgot the link:
It seems your ANT script isn’t executing. I erased my FDT folder (in my Application Support directory) as well as installed the lastest version and it works just fine.
I recorded a video. Check out the output I have and compare it to yours. See if you can find where the ant script is / isn’t running.
Hi Alan, i’ve made a screencast … you can grab it here … nothing spectacular 😉 … and you are right … there’s no ipa file generated.
Can you do a screencast of what is going on? It’s really hard to help out when you’re not getting errors 🙂
Try Jing – it’s free
Also keep in mind that it will always build a ‘normal’ .SWF but it should also create an .IPA file as well. So you’re not having an .IPA file created at all?
Sorry you haven’t been getting your support tickets replied to. What error are you getting when trying to access the files? Are you missing or have incorrect files.
Hi Alan, thank you so far … i’ve tried but with no effect … still a normal swf build. I’ve tried all possible debug configurations and there are also no errors no warnings no exceptions … so sad 🙁 … but i still believe in the power of FDT 😉 .. any other suggestions?
@ Dominik
If you’re doing a simple launch, it will only run the ADL (AIR Debug Launcher). To package an .ipa, you’ll need to try one of the [TEST ON DEVICE]] launchers. If it’s failing you should see some error messages. If so, post them here.
I’ve tried to rebuild and export the simple example demonstrated in one of the videos ( i don’t know what i’m doing wrong (FDT 4.5.2 Flex SDK 4.5.1 merged AIR SDK 2.7) .. but there’s no ipa packaging at all … every time it ends up with compiling the plain *.swf 🙁 … any ideas … someone ?
sigh, had to completely reinstall everything, and then reimport all the projects..
Even in 4.5.2 there’s still a problem with the iOS exporter .. if you include icons in app descriptor file, the ant script cannot find the icons, no matter where you place them..
Can you please have a look at that issue ? I have Max version, so should be entitled to response within 24 hours , already sent 3 requests , all ignored 🙁
not cool FDT team!
I’ve got a strange problem that stops me from adding any browser.
This problem also appeared on version 4.4.
Thank you Phillip,
I went to : FDT > Help > Install new software and selected : FDT Update Site – and that IS the latest release version that is being offered there..
When I try it now I only get “All items installed”.. and no newer version.
Tried also going via Help > Check for new updates.. with the same result..
What is the latest version and what is the correct update URL ?
FDT is the latest beta version. The ios template is only shipped with the final release of FDT 4.5. You can either install the final version or directly get the latest versions of our project templates here:
Hi Guys, well done looks like a very cool release!
Especially the mobile part..
One problem though.. when I chose : New Flash Project > Mobile.. I am missing the iOS Template ? Got only the AS3 Android , and Flex Android.
I have FDT , the latest Flex and Air SDK installed, updagraded and I am using it on PC..
Any advice?
Very good! I hope Haxe final support is for 4.6. The wait is toooo long for osX users.
Currently the minimum required Eclipse version to run FDT is Helios (Eclipse 3.6) or newer.
Please either use an Helios or Indigo Eclipse and install FDT on it via or grab one of our standalone installers:
We plan to make a hotfix for those users who want to continue working on Galileo and will release it within days.
OOOOOOOOOHH NO: i updated FDT and now:
\ant\build.xml:17: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.core.resources.IPathVariableManager.getURIValue(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URI;
Arrgh – I need my FDT to finish my project
You guys are the best!!! Keep it up!!!