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Welcome to FDT – the Development Tool for Flash. The Powerflasher team has put together a collection of tutorials and reference materials to help answer any questions you may have while using FDT. This wiki is constantly evolving as we plan to invite the FDT community to contribute. (if interested helping please contact us)

We're always adding new tutorials and walkthroughs to make sure you get the most out of using FDT. Tutorials will include detailed text and screenshots that demonstrate a particular topic. Some tutorials also include project files, videos and sample materials for you to download.

If you're new to FDT, check out our #FDT Getting Started Guide.


FDT Getting Started Guide

These short guides will lead you through the installation and will introduce you to some of the highly efficient and time-saving features and the basic structure of the FDT work environment.



Forget the mouse! The FDT shortcuts are one of the most important techniques to increase coding efficiency. Here is a cheat sheet of the most popular shortcuts for quick reference


If you're confused or having a problem getting yourself going. Check out our FAQ.


Installing And Running FDT

If you haven't installed FDT, or are having trouble getting FDT to install or launch, check out this tutorial. We'll make sure you have Java installed and walk you through downloading and installing FDT on Windows and OSX.

Basic AS3 Tutorial

Learn the basics of creating, building and compiling your first FDT project. You'll use the Project Wizard to create a project, then create your first Class and compile and view your application.

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Flex / AIR Tutorial

See how quickly you can code and run an AIR application with the Flex framework. Similar to the Basic AS3 Tutorial, you'll go a little further by adjusting compiler options and being introduced to some of FDT's Smart Editor features.

Writing Code With FDT

FDT is packed with features designed to help developers write code efficiently and quickly. This walkthrough will go through many, but not all, of the most popular Smart Editor features.

Navigating Your Code and FDT's Workspace

With all the ins and outs of an IDE like FDT, a developer can get lost is seemingly endless windows and views. It's important to know how to get around the application and make sure you stay in control of what you're looking at.

Launch Configurations

Eventually, you're going to want to make some tweaks to your .SWF's settings (name, background color, size, frame rate ) as well as start using some advanced features such as viewing your .SWF in a browser.

This tutorial goes over these important topics, as well as introduces FDT's new Launcher Chain feature.

FDT and Ant Tutorial

Ant is a build tool that developers can use to extend FDT. It's an XML based syntax and can be used to extend FDT's built in launcher or used instead of the launcher if developers want to have even more control over their build process. It also has many built in tasks such as uploading to FTP, checking out from .SVN and creating .ZIP files just to name a few.

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Intro To Profiling Applications

The FDT Profiler helps developers to detect performance issues within a flash application by providing two different approaches for profiling:

Creating Code Templates (snippets)

FDT’s code templates, also referred to as code snippets, allow for quick generation of user defined code. Although FDT ships with many templates pre-installed, users can edit existing templates, create new ones and even share templates with other FDT developers.

Sharing and Archiving Projects

Become familiar with how easy it is to share and distribute projects with others with FDT. This tutorial will show you how to import and export projects with FDT.

Intro To haXe Development With FDT

Developed in collaboration with Powerflasher and Influxis, the FDT haXe plugin provides developers a powerful tool for authoring the haXe multi-platform language. Our goal is to provide the best haXe coding experience and that it feels like coding in the AS3 or MXML editor of FDT: same shortcuts, same syntax coloring, same coding comfort.

SDK Management

With the release of FDT 4, developers now have granular control over their SDKs. Not only is adding and removing SDKs to projects easy, you can also easily add and remove specific parts of the SDK you may or may not need. You can also easily manage custom SDKs.

Using FDT's Debugger

FDT Max includes a powerful debugger. During the development process, a debugging tool is useful to help discover and fix bugs. Armed with FDT's debugger, you'll be prepared to crush any bugs that stand in your way.

From Flash Builder To FDT

If the differences between FDT and Flash Builder were boiled down into one word, it would be Flexibility. Beside having powerful code editing features that are missing with Flash Builder, FDT is flexible with your project management whereas Flash Builder is going to harness you with constraints. While, at first, these concepts will seem foreign to the long term Flash Builder user - as you master them you'll quickly understand the power and flexibility they provide.

Font Library Creator

FDT now includes a Font Library Creator. This is a very hand GUI tool that is designed to make font management much, much easier. Developers can use the Font Library Creator to not just add fonts but also control which glyphs and characters are used.

In this tutorial you'll learn how to use fonts via:

  • Actionscript Embed
  • SWCs
  • SWFs - both at compile time and runtime
  • [[Font Library Creator}Continue to the Font Library Creator tutorial]] Text icon.png

Community Resources

We really appreciate the of efforts the FDT community, it's a big part of what makes FDT so great. Check out our Community Resources page to learn about tutorials and tips that fans of FDT have created.


We're always adding new videos of tutorials, FDT's features, workflows and new ways of using FDT. Check out our Videos page.


Ant Tasks

Ant is a tool that allows developers to extend FDT and automate various tasks. It's XML based and easy to learn. Ant on it's own has many built in tasks, and even better, FDT has various Ant tasks of it's own for you to use.

Learn more by reading FDT Ant Tasks.


Smart Editor


Project Management

Testing and Deployment


Find example projects and plenty of extras here!

Visit our Downloads page for more.


If you're confused or run into a problem getting yourself going. Check out our FAQ.

Release Notes

FDT 4 Release Notes

Get FDT5