After big demand, the FDT team is happy to announce to take the FDT Linux version out of our Labs and to have equal support across Linux, Windows and OSX.
Linux is a growing platform and more and more developers are now switching to it as their preferred environment. Currently, Linux doesn’t have a robust IDE focused primarily to Flash/Flex developers. We hope FDT can fulfill this gap and deliver Coding Comfort to Linux developers as well.

Check out FDT 4.1 Release Notes
Installation instructions:
FDT for Linux is distributed as an Eclipse plugin. To get started, register here to get your 30 days trial key and follow the plug-in install instructions on this tutorial.
Your contribution and feedback are very important to us. We encourage everyone to submit any feature request, improvements or bugs on bugs.powerflasher.com
Happy Coding!
The FDT Team
Thanks guys.
Linux is a great OS and we’re proud to support it.
Thanks, it’s a very good news.
FDT under Linux Ubuntu work very well 🙂
Yes, Thank You a LOT !! 😀
FDT was already running under Linux (I use it since v3), but to see that you make efforts to officially support it is great !
Thank you to be concerned by Linux users. 🙂
A really great day for all Linux developers !
Excellent !