We’re very excited to announce Apparat support as part of FDT

This release means a lot to us for the following reasons:

  • Admiration for the amazing hard work from Joa Ebert and the Apparat team
  • Our commitment to continue to support independent community initiatives
  • Keeping FDT users on state-of-the-art cutting edge technology with flash
This is just the beginning of our Apparat support in FDT; Expect more! As we receive your feedback, and Apparat evolves, you can expect future development updates from us. If you’ve never used Apparat before, check out our tutorials on how to get you set up and going. If you’ve been using Apparat with FDT already, this will be a great help because the tighter integration will improve your workflow and coding comfort.

Powerflasher and the FDT team encourages developers to not only use Apparat in their everyday projects, but also contribute to the project as well. It’s open source and lead by some of the best developers on the market. A lot can be learned just by joining their mailing list, and for the bold, jumping into the Apparat source code.

All bugfixes and improvements can be found in our Release Notes.

To download FDT’s latest Beta follow the instructions in our documentation.

Here are the URLs to download an FDT Beta:

Important: please see the known issue for that release on bugs.powerflasher.com. You will have to restart FDT after setting the paths to Scala and Apparat in order to make sure the Apparat feature runs smooth.

Happy Coding!